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Headaches FAQ


If you regularly wake up during the night, you’re also more likely to suffer from headaches and migraines. In fact, lack of sleep is a common headache trigger that affects millions of Americans. Dr. Debi Kuntz, founder of Breathe and Thrive in St. Croix Falls, WI, works with patients to ease headaches and migraines caused by poor sleep, sleep disturbances, bruxism, and sleep apnea. If you dream of getting a more restful night’s sleep, make an appointment by calling the office at (715) 557-4839 or by requesting an appointment here.

Headaches FAQ

How do migraines and headaches affect sleep?

Clinical studies show that people who suffer from headaches and migraines are also 2-8 times more likely to experience sleep disorders compared to the general public. Fortunately, by observing your sleep patterns and reviewing your medical history, it’s possible to develop a treatment plan that eases your symptoms and improves your quality of sleep. If you regularly wake up as the result of a throbbing migraine headache, it’s important to meet with a qualified professional. Take the first step and request your consultation at Breathe and Thrive today.

What are some common sleep disorders that cause headaches?

At Breathe and Thrive, Dr. Kuntz regularly works with patients who experience headaches and migraines resulting from sleep disorders, including:

Sleep apnea

If you regularly snore during sleep, you’re also more likely to experience headaches. Snoring is also a telltale sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder that causes the soft tissues at the back of your throat to relax during sleep, blocking your airways.

Left unmanaged, sleep apnea contributes to a poor sleep routine and symptoms such as chronic fatigue and headaches.

TMJ / Bruxism

If you grind or clench your teeth during sleep, you might also suffer from a temporomandibular joint (TMJ/TMD) disorder. Dr. Kuntz frequently diagnoses and treats TMJ/TMD and Bruxism. These conditions can cause a variety of symptoms, including headaches, jaw pain, as well as damage to your teeth and gums.


If you suffer from migraine headaches, you’re also more likely to develop insomnia. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by trouble falling or staying asleep. Over time, insomnia interferes with your normal, daytime functioning and may impact your ability to focus or remember things.

How are headaches diagnosed?

If you regularly experience headaches and you suspect a link to poor sleep or a sleep-related health problem, make an appointment with Dr. Kuntz at Snoring and Sleep Apnea Therapy LLC.

Dr. Kuntz can’t diagnose sleep apnea or insomnia, but following an oral exam and a review of your medical history, he can refer you to a specialist for a sleep study.

After you receive a diagnosis, Dr. Kuntz can review treatment options and make recommendations based upon your unique needs and symptoms including alternative treatments such as custom oral appliances or NightLase therapy.

As a dentist, Dr. Kuntz can identify bruxism and diagnose TMJ/TMD. So, if your headaches are a result of tooth grinding or jaw clenching, he can address these issues and make treatment recommendations without the need for a sleep study.

How are headaches treated?

Treatment for headaches or migraines depends on the underlying cause of your symptoms. However, if a sleep disorder such as insomnia or TMJ/TMD is to blame, Dr. Kuntz usually recommends conservative, non-invasive treatments, including occlusal night guards to prevent teeth grinding, and custom oral appliances to promote quality air-flow. In addition, he can use laser therapy to reduce inflammation and jaw joint pain. If headaches are interfering with your quality of life, make an appointment at Breathe and Thrive by calling the office at (715) 557-4839 or requesting an appointment here.